Exotic rose seeds – my top 6 picks!

When picking exotic rose seeds for your outdoor space it can be difficult to know what will look good and where to find the seeds online.

This article sets out my top 6 picks for if you want to spice of the variety of roses in your garden and bring a new, exotic look that you can show off.

Before you grow any of these exotic roses, make sure you have soil that is in date and you prepare your growing space for optimal conditions to make sure the seeds germinate.

Black Baccara Hybrid

This exotic rose gets its name from being almost black in colour and being a very deep shade of red. Spiritually, some say it resembles love, mystery, hope and optimism as well as being a sign of good luck.

Black baccara hybrid exotic rose

The rose can grow up to two metres tall with a dense canopy, perfect for filling out areas of your garden that you no longer want to see or you want to brighten up with colour.

Advantages include being frost resistant, resistant to prolonged drought and having a long flowering period throughout the summer months.

This tea rose will bloom all summer and was created by cross breeding. You can find the link to buy the seeds here and also find more picture of what the black baccara hybrid rose would look like.

Magic Black Rose Seeds

This exotic rose has the botanical name “rosa black magic”. It boasts glossy dark red leaves that are darker towards the tips of the rose and lighter on the inside.

magic black rose exotic rose

The flowering period for this rose variety is quite long with flowering going all the way from late spring to autumn.

Be careful with this rose as it is prone to quite a few pests including aphids, caterpillars and spider mites.

This variety will do well in well drained soil with moderate to hot climates. Anywhere in zones 6 to zones 9 will be perfect for growing the red roses of this variety.

Dark Red and White Rose

The dark red and white exotic rose is an interesting mix colours. Most types of this variety will appear as if there are white streaks in an otherwise red rose as red is the prominent colour in this variety.

Dark red and white rose exotic rose

You can sow these seeds in early spring for blooms throughout the summer months and an interesting addition to your garden.

The great thing about the red and white rose is if you already have a mix of roses that are all one colour, adding a multicoloured variety with streaks like this will stand out.

Perhaps creating a great centrepiece or standout plant in your outdoor space.

One of the best sources of seeds for this exotic rose variety is the seller is magicgreekgarden on etsy and she has a variety of roses for sale. You can find a link to it here

Osiria Rose Seeds

This variety of exotic rose is again another hybrid tea rose that has vibrant pink or red tops of the leaves with a lighter underside.

Osiria Rose seeds

When deciding on this rose be careful as there are some mixed reviews. Some growers say that the stems are weak and the roses often droop and trees may also grow quite close to the ground.

In addition, a slow growing rose variety means that if you live somewhere where winter sets in quite quickly, the growing season for the blooms of the roses to grow could be cut short.

Furthermore, many suppliers of Osiria rose seeds have bad reviews or frequently run out of stock. Check the reviews and reputation of the sellers and companies you buy from as these seeds are harder to get a hold of than implied.

However, it is not all doom and gloom, if you are able to find a good supplier of Osiria rose seeds then shoot us an email and let us know!

Otherwise it is not worth linking to any sources as we don’t want to lead you to companies that go out of stock or prove to be illegitimate.

Rosa ‘Just Joey’

The “Just joey rose” is a vibrant hybrid tea rose that got its name from being named after the cultivators wife Joey. With the cultivator being a man names Roger Pawsey.

just joey rose

This exotic rose was bred in the UK in 1976 as a hybrid rose. It doesn’t grow very tall about 1.5m in height which is perfect for growing in beds or even in pots.

Unlike a lot of the roses in this list, Just Joey has a fruity, flavoursome scent. If you like the smells of roses then this could be perfect for you.

A great source of the just joey rose seeds are form David Austin Roses which you can plant in moist, well drained soil in spring for best results.

Rosa ‘Duftwolke’

While this exotic rose may appear a bit more common, the vibrant pink colour of the Duftwolke rose gives it exotic status.

Rosa "Duftwolke" also known as the duftwolke rose

Depending on the exact variety, Duftwolke roses can be quite scented. They boast a very large rose head and they grow up to 2 metres tall.

This rose variety will need a lot of sun and will grow to its full potential in the summer months.

Here is an example of where to find Duftwolke rose seeds although you may find seeds in a lot of other online places as they are quite common.

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