How can you repot Western Juniper?

The Tree derivative, Western Juniper is a simple plant to repot. Follow the steps below on repotting your Tree. The steps are very similar to any other plant in the Cupressaceae family.

Western Juniper – How to repot for best results

In this guide, we’ll navigate through the essential steps of repotting Western Juniper. Let’s begin!

1: Select the appropriate time for repotting Western Juniper

When you have decided on repotting, it becomes time to make the right plan to repot Western Juniper. Try to repot during a growth phase of the plant which usually comes before bloom time (which is in Cones/berries mature in fall). Also, it is useful to know that the soil ph for Western Juniper is Slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (6.0 to 8.0) so you can buy the right soil and get a testing kit if necessary.

2: Free your Western Juniper from its current container for repotting

How easy it is to take your Western Juniper out of the pot is up to how dry the soil is and the type of pot. This is why it is important to water in the previous step. However, with a few squeezes, bangs and maybe turning upside down, you should be able to remove your Western Juniper eventually.

3: Add your Western Juniper to its new home

The third and final step involves adding your Western Juniper in to its new home after you have removed it to complete repotting. Once done, pack in and cover the roots with Dry to medium moisture, rocky soil as this is how it grows best. Western Juniper can then be watered a final time before being left for a while to let the roots settle. It is common to have to let the roots settle like other plants that have the same roots. Weeping White Pine is a good plant to grow if you would like a similar plant.

Caring for your Western Juniper into the future

Once the repotting procedure for Western Juniper is complete, it becomes crucial to familiarize yourself with its ongoing care requirements so you can avoid having to repot again or worse, the death of your plant.

General care for repotting Western Juniper

First of all, once fully grown, Western Juniper is safe. When trying to find out more information about it so you can take better care of it, you may want to be aware of the other types of names and the fact that your Tree is in the Cupressaceae family of plants.

What is Western Juniper called botanically?

Ever wondered about the scientific and botanical identities of Western Juniper? You may have come across Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis or Juniperus  occidentalis in the past, You can research these names using trusted sources like wikipedia’s page on botanical names where you can find out a lot more information. These names provide a more in-depth understanding of your plant’s classification. You may even find ideas for choosing similar plants for your next repotting task like Weeping Redbud. This plant shares similar characteristics so you may wish to repot them together.

On the other hand, if you’re in the mood for a change, why not explore the information we have on repotting a completely different plant like Geraniums?

Should you keep your repotted Western Juniper inside or outside?

The reality is, there isn’t always one right answer for keeping Western Juniper inside or out as temperatures change and you may be able to get away with both at different times of the year. Nonetheless, with some key pieces of information, you should be able to make an informed decision by looking at the hardiness zone that is recommended for the plant which is 5-9 (USDA). In addition to this, understanding the kind of climate that the plant is from and is used to which is Western North America.

Once the repotting process is done for your Western Juniper, what should you do?

In the aftercare of Western Juniper, be sure that you give it the right sun exposure (Full to partial), you’re growing it in the right hardiness zone (5-9 (USDA)) and that your climate is similar to where your Western Juniper is from (Western North America). If you do this correctly, your Western Juniper should grow to its mature size in its new pot of 12–50 ft. tall, 10–40 ft. wide.

When can you expect your repotted Western Juniper to bloom?

To see your Western Juniper reaching its full size of 12–50 ft. tall, 10–40 ft. wide requires your attention and care. Imagine it is a while after repotting and you have taken care of the plant in the right way. You’ll have the joy of seeing it burst into Blue/purple berries have white coating blooms precisely during Cones/berries mature in fall time. This is achieved by taking care of your plant like you would any other similar plant like a Weeping Willows. Using the right care and being patient after you repot is key.

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