Repotting Curry Plant, a full guide

Your Curry Plant should be repotted with care and in this article we go over exactly how to do it. Coming from the Rutaceae family of plants, it is a good idea to look at other types of Tree to make the best decision when repotting as all Tree plants can be repotted in similar ways.

Repotting Curry Plant – The ultimate guide

Read on for a simple yet effective three step process for repotting and growing your Curry Plant.

First of all, get prepared for repotting Curry Plant

Plan out how and when you’ll get your Curry Plant loose to repot it. Consider how much water your Curry Plant needs before repotting and look at the bloom time which is in Spring, summer, fall and soil ph which is Acidic to ensure the repotting process goes well.

Second of all, Take your Curry Plant out of the original pot

Curry Plant can be removed simply by loosening up with a few bangs on the side of the pot and the be turned upside down very carefully so as to not harm your Curry Plant as it comes out.

Third and finally, repot Curry Plant to a new pot

Achieving success in repotting Curry Plant would be more likely if you used the ideal soil type of Well-drained soil. Fill in any air pockets in the new pot of your Curry Plant with this soil and give it a final water afterwards. Perhaps even get your hands on more similar plants like Crimson Queen Japanese Maple Tree so you can repot this and make use of any leftover soil afterwards.

What is the best way to take care of Curry Plant?

Curry Plant is not only relatively easy to repot but you should also be able to read on below for more information on it’s long term care to make sure it stays healthy for months to come.

What plant family is Curry Plant from?

Your plant is from the Rutaceae family of plants. This may not make much sense but the latin names for plants are often used to group them. It is a specific type of Tree so can be repotted in a similar way. Once grown, you should note that when handling Curry Plant, it is safe when interacted with.

What is Curry Plant called botanically?

There may be other more scientific names for your Curry Plant such as Curry Plant Murraya koenigii or ‘Murraya koenigii’ as a more botanical name. Consider repotting other plants like a Crimson King Norway Maple or if you want to be different, another type of plant like Foamflower to continue repotting.

If your Curry Plant is repotted, will it bloom?

Achieving the desired height of 6-20 ft. tall, 4-12 ft. wide which is what you can expect after the right care for your Curry Plant should also come with White blooms at Spring, summer, fall time. Check out Cucumber Tree for another example of a plant that blooms around the same time.

Where should you keep Curry Plant? Inside or outside?

Whether Curry Plant is kept inside or out after repotting is dependent on personal preference and you may wish to rotate your Curry Plant from one environment to the next as the seasons change. So, compare your local climate to your plants natural climate: Asia. Also, make sure you’re nearby the recommended hardiness zone if keeping outside: 9-12 (USDA)

Managing the growth and care of Curry Plant following repotting

To repot for the best effect, consider your hardiness zone in where you live and compare it to the recommended hardiness zone of Curry Plant which is 9-12 (USDA). Curry Plant are native to Asia. It is recommended that when considering the sun exposure for Curry Plant, it gets Full exposure for it to grow best. Done right, you may expect it to grow 6-20 ft. tall, 4-12 ft. wide. Consider this when choosing the size of the pot when repotting.

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