Green downspout splash block ideas

Ever wanted a downspout extension but wasn’t sure where you could shop by the colour of it? This article breaks down the best splash blocks if you need it to blend in with the grass or compliment the greenery of your outdoor space

Why use green downspout splash blocks?

Green downspouts are ideal for the garden as they blend in with plants and likely also fit in with already purchased garden furniture.

So if green is a colour you absolutely would love to add to your space then get stuck in to the article. There is a range of options to suite your taste.

24 Inch Cox Timber Limited Splash Block

This 24 inch splash block is made by Cox Timber Limited and manufactured in the USA. One thing I liked about the model is it comes with ridges so you can place in stones or even mulch if you’d want to. The design is also very shallow in height so you should be able to fit underneath most gutters.

This downspout is also quite long so It is perfect for moving water away from the foundations of your house.

However, reviews say that the open back of the splash block causes some water to flow out the back. Especially if the gutter is pointing straight down. So bear this in mind if you have a particularly fast flowing gutter or experience heavy rains.

HomeBuddy Gutter Downspout Extension

The Home Buddy gutter downspout extension is a great choice for those who are adding their downspout in soil that is likely to be loose or mulch that is hard to keep in place on such as stones or gravel.

This is because the splash block comes equipped with stakes to drive it in to the soil keeping it securely in place. Reviews of the product say it does what it says it does and is a sturdy, durable item.

The splash block also comes detached and flat packed so you have to construct it. Perfect for those who want to do a bit of DIY and don’t like things coming in big packages.

And it suits you if you have to store it away perhaps in the summer months without it taking up too much space.


Frost King Downspout Extender

This Frost King downspout extender is a cool product. It attaches to any type of downspout and securely stops any leaks. Despite the material being made from a lightweight and some would call flimsy, tarp.

What’s different about this downspout is the material rolls down during rain and rolls back up when it is not raining. Perfect for those times when you need your garden for outdoor activity or just need some extra space to mow the lawn or plant.

So pretty clever – a downspout extension that can tell what the weather is and roll up or down accordingly…

It’s not that straight forward unfortunately, the reviews of the extender say that in some cases the material doesn’t open up and may trap the water at the base of the shoot and only seems to unravel in torrential rain. So light rain may still just creep in to the foundations of your house anyway.

So overall, reviews of the extension do not look great as some say it doesn’t do what it says but if you are willing to risk it, you could give the product a go and end up with a pretty cool feature.Maybe if the product doesn’t work you can take it back to Amazon.


PGI Turtle Splash Block


This is probably the most decorative downspout extension on the list. The splash block consists of three happy look turtles chilling out on your splash block.

Made of stone resin composite, the details of the design will not be worn off overtime due to rain as it is a durable material.  

What I like about the design is it doesn’t stand out too much from a distance but as you get closer you can see the turtles as they all seem to blend in with the colour of the splash block base.  

All while serving a practical use of deterring erosion caused by your downspout while being easy to install.  

However, if you are looking for a splash block that is able to channel water away from the foundation of your house then you may want to consider looking at some other options.  

Pretty as it is, this splash block won’t channel water very far away and is only designed for erosion control. For example stopping a hole from forming in your soil or your mulch from washing away.  

Check out some more methods of preventing mulch from washing away here if that is your concern.

Master Mark Green Splash Block

This is acrylic splash block with shipping all round the USA is perfect for those who want to keep it simple, on a budget and need something reliable to slip under their gutter.

It also fits more of an “organic” look as the shapes and line of the splash block are uneven and resemble a natural rock formation or waterfall. Perfect fro keeping up a natural garden aesthetic.

The product isn’t spectacular looking as some say it has a washed out colour and this will worsen in the sun overtime like most plastic does.

However, it does the job all the same and effectively washes water 24 inches away from the base of your house. Giving plenty of room for water to run off.


True Value Splash Block

This splash block is strictly sold in True Value stores and online. It features a standard 24 inch acrylic splash block equipped with a hole for staking it in to the ground and a low height so it can fit underneath even the lowest of downspout elbows.

What’s more is the face of the downspout has ridges in it. They are expertly designed to reduce the speed of the water that flows down the block and this further prevents damage to your garden or washing away of mulch.

Or if you think your downspout looks better with stones or gravel on the face of it instead, then use the ridges to keep that in place instead!

This design is very similar to the 24 inch splash block by Cox Timber Limited, with a slightly different design.


Gargoyle Downspout Splash Block

You may think of gargoyles as ugly creatures with the ability to breathe fire. But in this downspout, the creature is kind of cute with the ability to breathe water instead!

In fact, the designers of the product even went so far to name him Roland, Roland the Gargoyle downspout made from resin!

One thing for sure is I don’t think any owners of this splash block are bored. Reviews say Rolands arrive as they look and fit on to most dowsnpouts but some downspouts are a bit too big to fit in his back.

Try to reduce the size of the end of your downspout extension if this is the case using a downspout reducer.

However, Roland isn’t much of a downspout extender and more of a splash block to prevent erosion. Have Roland on the end of your downspout and watch him spray water like a fountain over the surrounding grass rather than divert it away like other splash blocks.

All in all, if you pride yourself in having a cool garden with stand out features and aren’t too obsessed with the practicality of your downspout splash block, Roland the gargoyle extension is probably for you.

How to install downspout splash blocks

So you have ended up deciding on buying a downspout splash block from this list or maybe elsewhere and you wonder how to install it. The process is actually pretty simple.

Simply place your downspout under the gutter with the thickest end underneath the gutter and the end closest to the floor that is “downhill” away from the gutter.

If you have bought a splash block to reroute water away from the base of your house, then place the downspout at ninety degrees going directly away from your house. 

You can even buy two splash blocks to make water travel a greater distance away from the base of your house and prevent foundation damage further. Just be sure that the water from one splash block is flowing well in into the top of the other if you decide on this.

If that still doesn’t work then maybe try making a your own downspout extension instead to take the water further away.

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